How to install and configure MySQL 8 on Fedora 37

In this article, we will see How to install and configure MySQL 8 on Fedora 37 step by step.

Install and configure MySQL 8 on Fedora 37

1. Before installing any package to your system, updating your repositories and applying updates.

sudo dnf update

How to install and configure MySQL 8 on Fedora 37

2. Install MySQL 8 using the below command on Fedora.

sudo dnf install community-mysql-server

3. Type Y and hit enter.

Configure MySQL after installation on Fedora

1. Now verify Mysql Server is started or not using the below command.

sudo systemctl status mysqld

2. Let us start MySQL server using the below command

sudo systemctl start mysqld

sudo systemctl status mysqld

3. Now, connect to MySQL server and change the password of root user.

sudo mysql

alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'admin@123';

4. The default installation of MySQL is weak by the modern standards of security and can easily be manipulated by hackers. There are multiple ways to secure your MySQL, but the simplest yet most effective is to use a secure script.

Run the below command gave options as per your requirement.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

5. Now connect to the MySQL Server on Fedora using following command from the terminal.

mysql -u root -h localhost -p

So in this article, we have seen step by step to install and configure MySQL 8 on Fedora 37.

For the same process watch below video: