How to create Azure MySQL Database

In this article, we will see how to create Azure MySQL Database. Like MySQL on-premise server, we dont have multiple methods to create database in Azure MySQL Server. We can database in Azure MySQL server using MySQL Workbench. To create database in Azure MySQL server, logged in user must

Steps to create Azure MySQL database using GUI mode:

1. Open MySQL workbench and connect to it with server admin user which is created at the time of Azure MySQL server deployment.

2. Click on Schemas tab. Then, right click available database(schema) select Create Schema.

How to create Azure MySQL Database

3. Then, provide schema name and select select charset. Then click on apply to create database in Azure MySQL server.

4. Click on apply.

How to create Azure MySQL Database

5. Once we click on apply, new database(schema) appears in the schemas tab.

Steps to create Azure MySQL database using command line method:

1. Click on New SQL Tab as shown below.

2. Then type following create database/schema command to database in Azure MySQL server.


So, in this article we have seen how to create database in Azure MySQL using graphical user interface and command line interface methods.